About.. who me?

I really just need a place to write in all out: peri-menopause, my 25 year marriage, aftershocks of the pandemic, lockdowns & alienation, my health and wellness journey as I live with one of these, now-too-numerous-to-count autoimmune diseases, my life as a spiritually inclined creative small business owner in my not-so-small-anymore home city on the coast of Canada, near the ever-calling northern rainforest and all of it’s denizens (I really prefer them to most humans).

I used to blog as SpiritMama, when my baby was small. Now, he’s a teen and I finally am beginning to feel grown up (a bit), while at the same time feeling like I missed it all and am suddenly, rather shockingly, getting on in years. Not a new mama anymore but not a crone yet, so maiden, mother … Baby Crone was born!

I’m a Gen-X mama, recovering from a youth of latch key consciousness and drinking from the hose outside.

I’m an art school graduate. I’ve been playing guitar and singing since I was 12. I love to paint when I have time. I have always kept a journal and been blogging since 2012 when I thought the world was going to end. I do well in pretty much any of those “artistic” skills and talents that people ooh and ahh about but never want to pay you any money for.

I should have been a rock star, but have settled with being a local DJ (for now - I really never was one to settle).

Some other things you might want to know before reading me

I’m a practicing pagan. (Witch? Maybe..? I don’t really practice witchcraft, but I do read a lot of that stuff).

I’m recently obsessed with Human Design. Manifesting Generator AF.

I’m a Pisces sun, Aries rising, Gemini Moon. Basically moody, impulsive and bossy while being loving, passionate and cultured.

I/ENFJ. 50/50 intro and extrovert. Story of my life.

A Bit of History

Becoming a mama and the subsequent no sleep for several years led me through this portal back to my Self; a self I had been not inhabiting in my previous 10 years of being a DJ in the 90s & 2000s, also not sleeping much, or eating much, among other things I wasn’t doing, like growing up. 

This said portal and ensuing kind of madness, led me to seek refuge in whatever spirituality I had in the deep-down wells where it was kept, under the water, encased in a memory I had of some kind of brief encounter with the gods while on my way to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting when I was 20. Regardless, I began praying, hard. Eventually a teacher appeared. That was 13 years ago.

Since then, I’ve been a student, initiate & practitioner of folk-medicine and shamanism. I’m an animist who strives to live in right-relationship with the seen and unseen worlds. I consume material on shamanism, witchcraft, folklore, magic and energy healing voraciously. So, pretty woo-woo. Yep.

“A witch is born, and not made;
or if one is to be made then tears must be spilt before the moon can be drawn.
For the Lady chooses whom She wills to be Her Lover,
and those whom She loves most She rends apart before making them Wise.”

—Robert Cochrane

There’s a lot of pressure out there to “use your platform” to raise awareness about things that need to change. I see you. However I also see a real need for simple beauty online, especially since the pandemic. I see a need for a kind of re-enchantment with life, certainly with nature, with joy and each other. I see a need for healing. That’s my jam.

Everything I write here will be through those lenses. And as I said, I really just need to get back into writing. I can’t promise good writing always, but I do promise consistency.

The doors to the world of the wild are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.

—Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Some More Official Stuff

Formal Training

2020 - 2022

7 Threads Folk Medicine Practitioner Training with Angela Prider
Shamanic Counselling, Energy Medicine


Usui Reiki Level I & II with Fleur Choy


Vancouver Hospice Society
30 hour hospice-volunteer training; to sit with the dying at bedside


White Bone Shamanic Arts Apprenticeship with Angela Prider
Initiate, 3 years, Celtic Shamanism. Hearth Carrier.


Certification 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training with Karma Teachers
Vinyasa, Yin, Meditation, Yogic philosophy study.

Certificate 50 HR Yin Yoga with Jolene Bayda
Anatomy, history of Yin, teaching methodologies, practice.

Workshop - Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Theory with Nicole Marcia


Medicine Wheel, Peruvian Shamanism with Nikki Hainstock
One year immersion. Full Mesa Carrier

Past & Ongoing Studies

⇢ 2024

Quareia Magic School
Student, 1st year

Ancient Order of Druids in America - Candidate, 1st year

M.Div Courses in Norse Witchcraft (Seidr), Witchcraft (Wicca) and Celtic Studies

Tarot and divination, Rune studies

Traditional and folkish witchcraft, folk-medicine, shamanism, druidic studies

Herbal medicine, gardening, food medicine & cooking

Yoga practice of 20+ years

Meditation, pranayama, mantra and breathwork

Lineages & Philosophies

My ancestors are from Scotland, England, Cornwall, and more recently, the USA by way of Salem MA, to Canada for the past 5 generations.

Peruvian shamanism; the Q’ero people
Norse mythology
British, Celtic, Scottish shamanism, folklore & fairytales
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ayurveda and Yoga
Natural Health, Alternative & Energy Medicines
Bio Hacking

Why subscribe?

I talk about spiritual practice, devotion, finding joy, natural beauty, mindfulness & meditation, overcoming grief and trauma, living by the great Wheel of the Year, reconnecting with nature, re-enchanting your life, re-connecting with Spirit after a loss. I bring my knowledge, training and life experiences to the page, in the spirit of raising our collective vibration. 🌈

Adding to the conversation 🗣️ Gen—X grows up, aging gracefully, menopause, magic. 🧙‍♀️ Meaning-making in a meaningless culture.

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Notes from the forest edge.


Sky Bray is a proud mama, writer, musician and DJ. Student of yoga, folk medicine, magics and shamanism. Animist on the west-coast, Canada.